Sakuramiya Shimai no Netorare Kiroku

Durch die Heirat ihrer Eltern werden Hinata und Saya zu Stiefschwestern. Bald entwickeln beide Gefühle für einander, die weit über eine schwesterliche Liebe hinausgehen. Tachikawa als Mitglied des Fotoclubs an…

Joshi Ochi! 2-kai kara Onnanoko ga … Futte Kita!?

Aikawa Sousuke schlägt sich mit Gelegenheitsjobs durch und lebt in einer heruntergekommenen Wohnung.Eines Tages hört er es über sich knacken und plötzlich stürzt die Mieterin von oben, Unyuu Sunao, durch…

Restricted Hospital Ward

Eine weibliche Medizinforscherin arbeitet an der Entwicklung eines Medikaments, welches die Möglichkeit erhöhen soll, dass eine impotente männliche oder weibliche Person geheilt werden kann. Der wahre Grund für ihre Arbeit…

Sei Shoujo Sentai Lakers EX

Eine Gruppe von außerirdischen Mädchen vom Planeten Blade Star flieht zur Erde aufgrund der Zerstörung ihres Heimatplaneten. Mit ihnen sind die Super-Laker Crystals, ihre geheime Energiequelle. Dies ermöglicht es ihnen,…


Hiroki ist sorgloser Schüler an der "Shadow of the Geists"-Academy. Der geheime Krieg zwischen den Kreaturen aus verschiedenen Dimensionen, welcher schon seit Jahrhunderten andauert, verwandelt Hirokis normales Leben jedoch in…

Meikoku Gakuen Jutai Hen

A teacher at a magical school must impregnate every female on the campus to save them from "The Dark Hour".

Maken no Hime wa Ero Ero Desu

The main character is someone Sheila Mangus, is the first Princess of the Kingdom of McDonald. She and two other adventurers Nina and Eric travel the world in search of…

Kansen Sodom

A virus is released at a school by a mysterious organization, affecting both teacher and students. Every person affected by this virus has their libido massively inflated until they hunger…

Hatsujou Switch Otosareta Shoujo-tachi The Animation

The spot that if pressed will make any woman a slave to sex, the “sex switch.” Oshio Tsubohachi is a master at seeing those spots, and making women beg for…

Kyonyuu JK ga Ojisan Chinpo to Jupo Jupo Iyarashii Sex Shitemasu.

Saina Miyamoto is Vice President of the student Council and helps her elders in all matters of concern. This time she receives a rather strange task to accompany an elderly…

Kyonyuu Dosukebe Gakuen

Some Academy where girls from high society there is so-called sex club. Our hero as soon as entering into it and soon realizes that all participants of the Club-Virgin. Well…


The main character is a girl named Karina , who agreed to become a Nude model.

Tsuma Netori: Ryoujoku Rinne

A high school P.E. teacher catches the eye of a man with unique tastes. Once he finds a way to control her, what will she do to protect her family?

Nee, ... Shiyo

Imagine this, you got this thicc sister that craves your dick as much as you crave that phat ass. Now she got into the same school as you but turns…

OVA Youkoso! Sukebe Elf no Mori e

Alfheim ist eine Welt der Elfen, in der es nur Frauen gibt. Der »Heilige Baum« ist ihr Heiligtum und die Quelle ihrer magischen Kraft, doch er beginnt zu verwelken und…

Furifure 2

Sumire is about to lose her home, she can't afford to pay for it she decides to sell the one thing she has left...her body. Little does she know,…

Cherry & Gal's

A young girl finds herself in the wrong crowd of friends, always talking about their sexual escapades. But she doesn't have any experience so she feels left out. A friend…

Ura Jutaijima

A deadly virus that is cured by ingesting semen?! Sounds like a dream come true....but when there's only one male on the entire island and 4 girls to take care…

Real Eroge Situation! The Animation

Shinobu-Kun has long been in love with her her Kanna-CHAN, but bad luck she hates "Otaku", which is our hapless hero. By suppressing of all its most valuable, for the…

Hasande Ageru

Part 1: "Go buy me lunch at the bakery!" She yelled at her classmate. Sheepishly he agreed but said she was being a bit harsh and his classmate agreed. Little…
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