Title Ashita no Joe (あしたのジョー)
Title Champion Joe
Synonyms Rocky Joe, Tomorrow's Joe
Typ Anime Series
Episodes 79/79
Year 1970
Runtime ~25 Minutes
Main Genre
Subsidiary Genre
Ashita no Joe tells the tale of a wandering orphan named Joe Yabuki. He falls into one of Tokyo's slums and gets into a fight with a local gang and his street fighting skills gets him the attention of a washed up alcoholic boxing trainer. Until he sticks up for Joe when the gang comes back to finish Joe, Joe decides to live with the trainer. Despite the trainer's generosity, Joe is still committing money making scams and lands him in prison. While serving time, he meets another boxer named Rikiishi Tooru who gets Joe interested in boxing. Upon release, Joe then pursues a boxing career.

Source: aniSearch
Release Group Saizen Fansubs / Hokuto no Gun
Resolution* 640x480
Typ* MKV
Filesize* ~179 MB
Last Update 07.01.2019 14:01
Release Notes [Saizen-HnG] Ashita no Joe [DVD]
*Please note that streamhoster perform an encode and the displayed information will only provide information about the source used on which the streams are based on, but the actual quality may differ considerably. Use our downloads instead to get the unchanged files.
Release Group xPearse
Resolution* 960x720
Typ* MKV
Filesize* ~548 MB
Last Update 07.01.2019 14:01
Release Notes An encode from the Japanese BDs using the subs from the Saizen-HnG release.
Past episode 32 was never remastered for Blu-ray, so that’s why it's only available up to that episode.
*Please note that streamhoster perform an encode and the displayed information will only provide information about the source used on which the streams are based on, but the actual quality may differ considerably. Use our downloads instead to get the unchanged files.

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