Title Big Order (ビッグオーダー)
Year 2015
Runtime ~25 Minutes
Main Genre
Subsidiary Genre
Der Schüler Eiji Hoshimiya verbirgt ein großes Geheimnis: Nachdem er sich als Kind die Zerstörung der Welt gewünscht hat, bekommt er eine Macht verliehen, die Order genannt wird. Mit ihr kann er seine Wünsche in Erfüllung gehen lassen.

Source: aniSearch
Release Group AoiSora-Subs
Resolution 1280x720
Typ MP4
Filesize 440 MB
Password www.anime-loads.org
Last Update 27.04.2016 09:00
Release Group AoiSora-Subs
Resolution 1920x1080
Typ MP4
Filesize 329 MB
Password www.anime-loads.org
Last Update 27.04.2016 09:00
Release Group AoiSora-Subs
Resolution* 1280x720
Typ* MP4
Filesize* 440 MB
Last Update 27.04.2016 09:00
*Please note that streamhoster perform an encode and the displayed information will only provide information about the source used on which the streams are based on, but the actual quality may differ considerably. Use our downloads instead to get the unchanged files.
Release Group AoiSora-Subs
Resolution* 1920x1080
Typ* MP4
Filesize* 329 MB
Last Update 27.04.2016 09:00
*Please note that streamhoster perform an encode and the displayed information will only provide information about the source used on which the streams are based on, but the actual quality may differ considerably. Use our downloads instead to get the unchanged files.

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