Title Hokuto no Ken (1986) (北斗の拳 (1986))
Title Fist of the North Star
Title Fist of the North Star: The Movie
Synonyms Seikimatsu Kyuseishu Densetsu Hokuto no Ken
Typ Anime Movie
Year 1986
Runtime ~110 Minutes
Main Genre
Subsidiary Genre
Aufgrund eines verheerenden Nuklearkrieges, steht die Welt kurz vor der völligen Zerstörung. Die Zivilisation befindet sich in einem degenerierten Zustand, was ein gefundenes Fressen für gaunerische Ganoven ist. Doch selbst auf den Überlebenden wartet nur ein freudloses Leben. Die einzige Hoffnung der Menschen ist es, einen Helden zu finden, der in der Lage ist, ein »Fist of the North Star« zu werden, um die Welt in eine bessere Zukunft zu führen. Doch es ist schwierig, einen solchen Helden zu finden.

Source: aniSearch
Release Group gerdhanse
Resolution 960x720
Filesize 4.43 GB
Password www.anime-loads.org
Last Update 13.10.2020 10:56
Release Notes Hokuto no Ken - Fist of the North Star - 1986 REMASTERED (4x3) [720p][gerdhanse] [C2FC904A]
Release Group gerdhanse
Resolution 1440x1080
Filesize 8.42 GB
Password www.anime-loads.org
Last Update 13.10.2020 10:56
Release Notes Hokuto no Ken - Fist of the North Star - 1986 REMASTERED (4x3) [1080p-10bit][gerdhanse] [103739AF]
Release Group gerdhanse
Resolution 1280x720
Filesize 1.97 GB
Password www.anime-loads.org
Last Update 13.10.2020 10:56
Release Notes Hokuto no Ken - Fist of the North Star - 1986 REMASTERED (16x9) [720p][gerdhanse] [CB28304F]
Release Group gerdhanse
Resolution 1920x1080
Filesize 3.67 GB
Password www.anime-loads.org
Last Update 13.10.2020 10:56
Release Notes Hokuto no Ken - Fist of the North Star - 1986 REMASTERED (16x9) [1080p-10bit][gerdhanse] [20DCF27A]
Release Group IND
Resolution 960x720
Filesize 1.39 GB
Password www.anime-loads.org
Last Update 12.10.2020 09:01
Release Notes Hokuto no Ken: Fist of the North Star Movie 1986 DL 720p BluRay x264 - IND
Release Group gerdhanse
Resolution* 960x720
Typ* MKV
Filesize* 4.43 GB
Last Update 13.10.2020 10:56
Release Notes Hokuto no Ken - Fist of the North Star - 1986 REMASTERED (4x3) [720p][gerdhanse] [C2FC904A]
*Please note that streamhoster perform an encode and the displayed information will only provide information about the source used on which the streams are based on, but the actual quality may differ considerably. Use our downloads instead to get the unchanged files.
Release Group IND
Resolution* 960x720
Typ* MKV
Filesize* 1.39 GB
Last Update 12.10.2020 09:01
Release Notes Hokuto no Ken: Fist of the North Star Movie 1986 DL 720p BluRay x264 - IND
*Please note that streamhoster perform an encode and the displayed information will only provide information about the source used on which the streams are based on, but the actual quality may differ considerably. Use our downloads instead to get the unchanged files.
Release Group IND
Resolution* 960x720
Typ* MKV
Filesize* 1.39 GB
Last Update 12.10.2020 09:01
Release Notes Hokuto no Ken: Fist of the North Star Movie 1986 DL 720p BluRay x264 - IND
*Please note that streamhoster perform an encode and the displayed information will only provide information about the source used on which the streams are based on, but the actual quality may differ considerably. Use our downloads instead to get the unchanged files.

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