Title Namaiki: Kissuisou e Youkoso! The Animation (なまイキ ~生粋荘へようこそ!~ The Animation)
Typ Hentai
Year 2015
Runtime ~27 Minutes
Main Genre
Subsidiary Genre
Hentai Tags
Satoshi Ashifuji is a working student attending university under a scholarship.
Somehow, he ends up with the custody of the dormitory Kissuisou, but its residents are all women with big problems!
Furthermore, when fixing the dorm's clock tower, a self-proclaimed Zashiki-warashi who calls herself Ibaraki appears, beckoning even more trouble.

With all those currently residing emanating such ridiculously negative auras, if nothing changes within half a year some terrible misfortune would befall the dorm which would get demolished regardless of its condition.
If that happens, with no place left to go, all that negativity would pile themselves onto Satoshi, paving a future life of hell for him.

To avoid such a disaster, Satoshi decides to inject some positivity infused with Ibaraki's powers into the lives of the residents.
In other words, it doesn't matter where they do it as long as he comes inside!

In this way, the overly reckless ejaculation strategy with regards to the dorm's residents Satoshi bet his life on commences.

Source: aniSearch
Release Group Hentai Haven
Resolution 1280x720
Typ MP4
Filesize 253 MB
Password www.anime-loads.org
Last Update 12.03.2017 06:13
Release Group Hentai Haven
Resolution* 1280x720
Typ* MP4
Filesize* 253 MB
Last Update 12.03.2017 06:13
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