Titel OVA Kyonyuu Onna Shikan Sennou Saimin (OVA 巨乳女士官洗脳催眠)
Typ Hentai
Episoden 2/2
Jahr 2024
Laufzeit ~16 Minuten
Hentai Tags
Episode 1
Aaron, who was investigating rumors about the disappearance of personnel, discovers a hypnosis system aboard the battleship Cheval. He uses this device to control his boss and the female officers, who become submissive to his commands. Through pleasure and manipulation, he unveils secrets and continues engaging in prohibited activities aboard the battleship.

Episode 2
Aaron, upon discovering the truth and realizing that he too was manipulated, confronts Maria, who is under the effects of hypnosis. He subjects her to sexual torture, along with Lisa and Zenia, who are also under mind control. The women, dominated by hypnosis, fall into an endless cycle of pleasure that they themselves desire.

Quelle: aniSearch
Release Gruppe Oppai
Auflösung 1920x1080
Typ MP4
Größe Ø 366 MB (Paket: ~366 MB
Passwort www.anime-loads.org
Letzte Änderung 11.07.2024 02:31
Release Gruppe Oppai
Auflösung* 1920x1080
Typ* MP4
Größe* ~366 MB
Letzte Änderung 11.07.2024 02:31
*Bitte beachtet dass Streamhoster einen Encode durchführen und die angezeigten Angaben lediglich Informationen zur genutzten Quelle bieten auf welcher die Streams basieren, die tatsächliche Qualität hiervon aber erheblich abweichen kann. Nutzt stattdessen unsere Downloads um die unveränderten Dateien zu erhalten.

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